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Micky Esteban



Hi! My name is Micky Esteban and I am


a writer. 


a dancer.


a creator.


an aggressive sneezer.


an eternally hungry eater. 


a junior dance major at the University of Michigan. 


This site is dedicated to the work I've produced as part of my minor in writing gateway class. It's been a semester of exploration, creation, and revision. 


Scroll over the picture to the left to read more about why I write.


Browse around the experiment tab to read more about the ways we transformed our writing this semester.


Explore my final project, "S L I P S K I N",  a photo essay on sustained trauma in dancers.


I hope you enjoy!




questions, comments, concerns, inquiries

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Writing matters.

We are our words.

We are committing to those letters that spell our beliefs, hopes, dreams, sadness, pain, longing, joy, delight, humor.

What we write defines who we are, as who we are defines what we write. 

My Writing Manifesto
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